About Me

I am a software engineer with four years of experience, a Unity developer and a scrum master certification under my belt. I am passionate about making games in my free time, and provide development tips to the software development community.

I strive to learn new skills whenever possible and I enjoy solving problems by collaborating with my colleagues, providing innovative ideas, and designing/implementing reusable and efficient systems following test driven development, SOLID principles and good documentation.

Working as a team I value good communication, chemistry and pushing one another to constantly improve ourselves.

Tech Stack

Languages, technologies, tools and frameworks.

  • C#, Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, SQL
  • Unity3D, SteamVR, Oculus Go, CG/HSLS, Unreal Engine
  • Android Studio, Jenkins, AWS, Oracle Cloud
  • Test Driven Development, NUnit, JUnit, Google Test
  • Git, Jira, Trello

Personal Accomplishments

This is a showcase of personal projects, systems and games that I’ve made publicly available.

Unity Systems

Scriptable Event System: This system makes it easy to trigger UnityActions across separate GameObjects and systems.

Toggle Utilities: The unity toggle utilities makes it easy to enable/disable different type of objects relevant in Unity3D projects.

C++ Projects

Bootleg Ray Tracer: Simple ray tracer based on Ray Tracing in One Weekend.
Tech used: C++, Google Test, Docker, Github Actions

Linear Timecode Decoder: This project decodes 16 bit unsigned integers that represent a section in the timecode structure.
Tech used: C++, Google Test

Planetoid Destruction

Virtual reality game where the player shoots asteroids flying towards earth.
This is a small prototype released for the itch.io Game Off 2020 (https://itch.io/jam/game-off-2020).

Tech used: C#, SteamVR

Thermo Fisher Scientific

This company mainly produces scientific instruments and reagents, but they also have a digital science division, where I created a framework to build scientific trainings in 3D deployed on our company’s education platform on the web, I also worked on a Virtual Reality game for our marketing team to teach sales representatives about the complicated world of scientific equipment, and built and maintained our deployment infrastructure using Jenkins. Other non production products I worked on were an app that integrated Virtual reality with robotics to prove that we could remotely control thermo fisher equipment and a virtual reality application that simulated a multi story lab .


Created a virtual reality game for mobile devices, which allowed our company’s sales representatives to learn about the complicated world of Thermo Fisher instruments and their competition in an engaging way.

Scientific Equipment 3D Trainings

Created a framework for 3D scientific instrument trainings on the web , which replicated our onsite training course and allowed our customers to quickly and efficiently learn about their scientific instruments without the need of an available onsite instructor.